Elementary School

In the elementary grades, the rhythm of the day is intentionally designed to meet the students’ natural development in each grade. This daily rhythm complements their academic learning and coincides with their evolving social and emotional awareness. The day begins with a song or mental math before the students settle into the Morning Lesson focused on particular topics such as measurement, Greek mythology, zoology, or poetry. Each three- or four-week block provides an in-depth study enriched through the arts. Students may recite, sculpt, or paint pieces related to the specific topic. The remainder of the weekly schedule is filled with movement, music, world languages, practical arts, and environmental studies, with attention given daily to reading, writing, and arithmetic. 

Students in each class are guided by a class teacher who comes to know them deeply and authentically. Subject teachers enhance the curriculum with their subject proficiency and by sharing their passion with the students, forming bonds, working in multiple modalities, challenging competencies, and revealing student talents each step of the way. The carefully planned curriculum evokes inspiration for each child at every age, and the teacher-student dynamic creates stability and promotes confidence.

We invite you to explore each grade’s curriculum highlights below.