Nashville’s co-ed independent school
where imagination is in the making for preschool-grade 8.
Imagination is in the making.
The world is constantly changing. And to prepare our children for success in the unknown, we need to prepare them to thrive in unexpected situations. Linden Waldorf students are active makers—artisans of the possible and engineers of inventive solutions. Here, your child hones the ability to envision what could be and make it a reality.
What might your child accomplish during their Linden Waldorf journey?
By eighth grade graduation, your child will have …
spent more than 5 years playing a recorder and string instrument.
taken apart a computer and learned the basics of programming.
built a shelter, slept under the stars, and charted constellations.
trained in biodynamic farming practices and worked a weekend on a farm.
written and illustrated more than 30 textbooks.
acted in at least 8 plays.
created things of beauty and practicality by hand.
experienced 8 years of Spanish language and cultures.
mastered juggling, tightrope walking, riding the unicycle.
undertaken a large-scale creation like building a full-size sailboat, debuting a fashion line, or writing a novel.
A sampling of eighth grade independent projects
- book binding
- building a bass guitar, ukulele, or violin
- making silver jewelry and doing lapidary
- creating a magazine showcasing other teenagers engaged in interesting projects
- stop-motion film
- voice acting research
- set design that brings to life characters from book scenes
- designing and sewing a line of athletic wear
- writing, directing, and acting in a cooking show
- making paper, inks, and quills
- rebuilding an automobile engine
- handcrafting a baseball bat
- writing, directing, and producing a musical
- studying myocardial infarction in mice
Ready to explore further? We invite you to visit and experience Linden Waldorf for yourself. Schedule a tour here.