Carol Schlafly

Carol Schlafly


Carol Schlafly is a long-time resident of Middle Tennessee. Her ancestors came to the area from Virginia in 1810! 

With a BA in English and teaching certification in English and Spanish, she began a teaching career and eventually became an administrator at a residential educational facility here in Nashville serving youth from all over the state. Carol also holds a master's degree in education.

Leaving state service after 30 years, she joined a nonprofit association and spent ten years working with private agencies that served children and families across the state.

Carol volunteers at Metro Juvenile Court, serving on a Foster Care Review Board. She takes tai chi and yoga classes, belongs to three history associations and three book clubs, loves traveling, and has traveled extensively in Europe. She has a son and daughter-in-law, a beautiful and extremely intelligent nine-year old granddaughter, and a super athletic and very handsome grandson who just turned six.

Carol is very much looking forward to being a part of the Linden Waldorf experience!